DJ Joey Horn

About This Location

  • Business Name: DJ Joey Horn
  • Address: Lancaster Drive, Sarasota, FL, USA 34241
  • County: Sarasota County, FL, USA
  • Type of Business: Entertainment
  • Website:

My story begins way back in 2011. Fresh out of high school I was in a music store and decided to buy a DJ controller with no idea what would come next. I began DJing in bars and clubs in Western New York, then fast forward a few years and I would relocate to Sarasota, FL. Once I came to Florida, I began to expand into the wedding scene. I have had the privilege of being a DJ for hundreds of couples throughout the years. I have also worked alongside a company DJing for my favorite football team (the Buffalo Bills of course). This opportunity has blessed me with the ability to do what I love in multiple cities!

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