About This Location
- Business Name: My Personal Recruiter
- Address: 31 NE 17th Street, Miami, FL, USA 33132
- County: Miami Dade County, FL USA
- Type of Business: Recruitment
- Website: https://mypersonalrecruiter.com
“I understand the challenges job seekers face to navigate through the grueling process of trying to stand out in today’s competitive job market. With all the different technology that helps companies find and screen candidates more efficiently, I wanted to build something to empower job seekers. At My Personal Recruiter, we stand out as a sanctuary where job seekers can receive the unwavering support they need to steer their lives and careers towards fulfillment, without the burden of searching for a job on their own. Together, we will pave the way for future generations to devote their time and energy to what they truly love.”