Tim’s Corner Restaurant

About This Location

  • Business Name: Tim's Corner Restaurant
  • Address: 5664 S Ridgewood Ave Port Orange, FL 32127
  • County: Volusia County, FL, USA
  • Type of Business: Restaurant
  • Website: https://www.timscornerportorange.com/

When our little family restaurant was being created, the idea was to have a place with good homestyle food, familiar faces and fair prices. A place you could fill your belly, a to-go box or sometimes both without emptying your wallet. On December 27th, 1995, that dream became a reality.

Tim Golden started this restaurant and worked hand in hand with his family to make it the place that patrons have come to know and love for years. With the help of his brother Tom, their mother (Barb) and late father (Mike), they grew the business one meal at a time. At times it wasn’t easy but, the die hard Buffalo Bills fans never gave up. And that’s a good thing because all of their hard work paid off. They helped make Tim’s is now a landmark in Port Orange, Florida.


In 2020, Tim’s Corner was not immune to the pandemic that rocked the world. After shutting down for months, Tom purchased the restaurant from his brother Tim. As luck would have it, on 7/7 at 7AM Tom and his family reopened the restaurant as the new owners.

Tim’s corner is and will always be a link to the past and a bridge to the future.

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